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  • Referral sign in shall be in person during the hours of 8 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

  • Resign shall be required monthly beginning on the 10th and ending on the 16th of each month.

  • Resign may be accomplished by mail, fax, phone (do not leave voice mail), email or in person.

  • Resigns will require the following information:  Name, Address, Home Local # and IBEW Card # or if not a union member a driver’s license or government approved id.

  • Dispatch will be by telephone voice mail.  Registrants will hear jobs on the telephone voice mail system and leave their name and telephone number for the job they prefer.

  • Jobs will be on the telephone voicemail at least one night.  Bidders could be contacted any day of the week. (INCLUDING SATURDAY OR SUNDAY).

  • The local will identify the individuals who could have been referred but did not respond, and they shall be issued a turn down.

  • Registrants will be allowed (2) two turndowns without penalty and be rolled completely off the book for a third turn down.  They must reregister in person after being rolled off.

  • Being unavailable for referral when work would have been offered to the registrant shall be considered a turn down.  A rejection of the Applicant by an Employer is not a turn down. 

  • The Business Manager is responsible to fill calls in a timely manner as needed by Employers.  This means in an emergency, referral may have to be made outside normal hours using whatever means are available to fill calls and place registrants.




Phone:             (319) 752-0452                       Job line 4:30pm to 6:00am

Fax:                  (319) 752-0452                      

Email:              [email protected]




Effective June 1, 2024

Wage:     $ 38.20

H&W:      $   8.80
Pension: $   8.90


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